Trenitalia in HO: Old and new ACME UIC-Z Pilota coaches compared. Daniel Parrott 15:16 2 years ago 365 Далее Скачать
E.401.023 with E.403.007 and UIC-Z Pilota wagen in Fidene Ferrovie.Info 1:15 6 years ago 1 802 Далее Скачать
The new driving coach UIC-Z of the second batch in Tarvisio Boscoverde Ferrovie.Info 1:51 8 years ago 5 797 Далее Скачать
LA NUOVA LIVREA PER LA PILOTA UIC-Z!!! Campanaro Orbetellano E I Treni Spotting 0:14 1 year ago 41 Далее Скачать
UIC-Z coach 105 in new Trenitalia Intercity livery in Monterotondo Ferrovie.Info 0:46 7 years ago 5 514 Далее Скачать
E.656 with UIC-Z driving trailer running in Monterotondo Ferrovie.Info 0:49 6 years ago 881 Далее Скачать
Corsa Inaugurale Semipilota Alstom UIC-Z (Treno IC SUN completo) FullChopper 0:26 7 years ago 5 570 Далее Скачать
E.401 with UIC-Z Pilota coaches running on various italian lines Ferrovie.Info 1:33 6 years ago 1 149 Далее Скачать
[HD - Treni] STROMBAZZATA Pilota UIC-Z+Treno Intercity Sun 590 Trenitalia in transito a Sant'Ilario E655Caimano 0:27 4 years ago 2 457 Далее Скачать
Corsa Prova Nuova Pilota UIC-Z - Milano Centrale - E402B Treni FS 3:31 7 years ago 3 877 Далее Скачать
IC 728 Palermo-Roma Termini con Pilota UIC-Z livrea Richard Avedon in transito a San Giovanni Barra Simone Di Leva 0:19 1 year ago 143 Далее Скачать
E401 INTERCITY + PILOTA UIC-Z In Transito Rapido A S.Ilario D'Enza AlexG91_RSR 0:24 2 years ago 77 Далее Скачать
Carrozza pilota uic z treno diagnostico Archimede in manovra Francesco Scalfati Train Videos 0:45 2 years ago 81 Далее Скачать
INTERCOMUNICANTE carrozza Uic-Z1A BH ORIGINALE | InterCity 558 "Jonico" #ferroviedellostato Giosuè Tibolla 0:20 10 months ago 4 821 Далее Скачать
E402.170 + Nuova Pilota UIC-Z in CORSA PROVA [SALERNO - MILANO C.LE] in transito a Pomezia Caimano025 0:40 8 years ago 456 Далее Скачать